Obscene Desire (1978).avi_20180523_205357.953Obscene Desire (1978).avi_20180523_205301.671Obscene Desire (1978).avi_20180523_205236.647

Directed by Giulio Petroni, Italy/Spain. Cool title; terrible movie. The lovely Marisa Mell stars as Amanda, who’s just got married to Andrea (Chris Avram, doing his usual dodgy husband thing) and is taken to his country villa. Squashy-faced Lou Castel hovers around in the background. For the first hour or so, the viewer is treated to some typical giallo-style trappings, but then things lurch into more supernatural territory. We then get a badly-conceived, hurried mish-mash of bits from ROSEMARY’S BABY, THE OMEN, and THE EXORCIST, but it’s all done in a thoroughly incompetent, couldn’t-give-a-shit sort of a way. The ending is particularly half-arsed. 2/5.

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