The Stay Awake (1987).avi_20180629_162408.050The Stay Awake (1987).avi_20180629_162434.400The Stay Awake (1987).avi_20180629_162310.263

Directed by John Bernard, S. Africa. “Europe 1988,” a card helpfully informs us. A group of students at a girls’ school are doing a overnight “stay awake” challenge to raise money. Unfortunately, proceedings are interrupted by the demon-possessed spirit of a serial killer who was executed in “America 1969” (or so another card tells us). Quite what the link is between the students and the killer isn’t a detail the screenwriters thought important enough to include. There’s lots, and I mean lots, of point-of-view camerawork here, and the killer eventually turns into a slimy lizard thing. Distinctly unimpressive South African horror with some of the worst acting you’ll ever encounter. 2/5.

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