She Killed in Ecstasy (1971).mkv_20180706_154856.066She Killed in Ecstasy (1971).mkv_20180706_155317.268She Killed in Ecstasy (1971).mkv_20180706_155025.354

Directed by Jesus Franco, W. Germany/Spain. If I had a wife with the face and body of Soledad Miranda, I would never in a million years contemplate suicide, but that’s just what a depressed doctor does after his research gets rejected by a medical council. Bereaved wife Soledad is distraught, but then promptly decides the best way to move on is to murder the four members of the council. It’s a devastatingly simple storyline, but in Francoworld it somehow becomes dreamy, stylish, and compelling. The main weakness is a familiar one: the ending has all the tell-tale signs that Franco lost interest and was already planning (or indeed filming) his next project. 4/5.