Una Ragazza Piuttosto Complicata 1969.avi_20180922_182524.786Una Ragazza Piuttosto Complicata 1969.avi_20180922_182558.179Una Ragazza Piuttosto Complicata 1969.avi_20180922_182630.631

Directed by Damiano Damiani, Italy. Alberto (Jean Sorel) meets up with the titular Claudia (Catherine Spaak) after he accidentally listens in to a private phone conversation she’s having. Claudia’s complicated alright, mainly because of her tangled relationship with her stepmother Greta (Florinda Bolkan), a woman Claudia wants to both murder and go to bed with. This is an intriguing sex drama with gialloish undertones and a wonderfully evocative atmosphere of perversion and desire. The ending isn’t much cop, but as a whole this is so compelling that the final few minutes didn’t especially feel like a let down. Definitely worth a look. 4/5.



Directed by Jesse Holland, U.S.A. Unintentionally hilarious horror from the mavens at Syfy. The Crooked Man is a demon summoned when twelve year-old Olivia recites a nursery rhyme at a slumber party. Murder ensues and now, years later, the monster’s back to claim the lives of everyone involved. Despite the presence of a creepy (if somewhat familiar-looking) villain, this movie is let down badly by inept acting and a screenplay written by a moron. Dire moments include: the idea of going to the funeral of someone who delivered a pizza to you six years ago, a character’s ability to pinpoint a location simply by being told it has “two large rocks and a giant pine tree,” and dialogue like “that house was not there a minute ago.” I could go on. 2/5.