
Directed by Maman Firmansyah, Indonesia. This is one messed up movie. Meet Rudy, our “hero”: a rapist who can only have sex with his hot wife Irma after beating her up, and who later abandons her when she’s gang-raped. He also roughs up prostitutes and throws his wife from a moving car when she refuses to have an abortion. (She later loses the baby and we get to see a (possibly real) foetus being removed.) And this is the guy we’re supposed to be cheering on! There are lots of tit-for-tat rapes and fights between the protagonists and a drug-dealing gang of scumbags. It all ends when the much put-upon Irma finally gets to let loose with a bazooka. Don’t hold your breath for this to show up on the B.B.C. 3/5.

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