SEXY CAT (1973)

Sexy Cat (DVB-T2) 1973-dual (eng-esp).avi_20180401_101221.630Sexy Cat (DVB-T2) 1973-dual (eng-esp).avi_20180401_100906.271Sexy Cat (DVB-T2) 1973-dual (eng-esp).avi_20180401_101354.913

Directed by Julio Perez Tabernero, Spain. Private dick Mike Cash is hired by a disgruntled cartoonist who claims he created the popular comic-strip character Sexy Cat, a slinky female assassin, but that his idea was stolen. When the cartoonist is brutally murdered, Cash finds himself drawn into a web of more killings as a maniac (dressed just like Sexy Cat herself) slaughters various disposable cast members. This is an entertaining giallo with decent murder sequences, but the ridiculous number of red herrings may leave the viewer feeling even more deceived than usual. 3/5.

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