Terror From the Year 5000 (1958).avi_20180405_143717.759Terror From the Year 5000 (1958).avi_20180405_144236.191Terror From the Year 5000 (1958).avi_20180405_143655.551

Directed by Robert J. Gurney Jr., U.S.A. A scientist creates a time machine which allows him to receive objects from the far future, but things become complicated when a monstrous, radioactive woman arrives in the present. She needs healthy blood to take back with her into the future to restore mankind’s contaminated genes. This summary makes the movie sound far more interesting than it actually is. As with many flicks of this type, the sci-fi/horror elements too often become secondary to remarkably dreary soap opera-style shenanigans. Check out the characters going to watch I WAS A TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN (another A.I.P. release) at a cinema. 2/5.