The Room of Words.avi_20180414_165753.199The Room of Words.avi_20180414_165643.336The Room of Words.avi_20180414_165718.875

Directed by Franco Mole, Italy. Henry Miller fans had a bumper year in 1990. There was Philip Kaufman’s HENRY AND JUNE, Claude Chabrol’s QUIET DAYS IN CLICHY and then, last and least, there was the cash-in under discussion here. As soon as the discerning viewer sees the immortal words “Filmirage presents…,” you just know what you’re in for. Godawful acting, an intrusive keyboard score, and a generally flea-bitten, cash-strapped atmosphere. Martine Brochard is Anais Nin, David Brandon is Henry, and Linda Carol is June, and all three (especially the inexpressive Carol) struggle to pretend they’re anything more than weak actors reciting a pompous, humourless script. 1/5.