She Devils in Chains (1976).avi_20180403_154445.665She Devils in Chains (1976).avi_20180403_154400.083She Devils in Chains (1976).avi_20180403_154106.951

Directed by Cirio H. Santiago, U.S.A./Philippines. Female members of an athletics squad get kidnapped and put up for ransom in this half-hearted actioner featuring blaxploitation, women-in-prison, and kung fu elements. The slim running time is noticeably stretched through the inclusion of dull scenes involving two guys trying to locate the missing chicks. The repetitive music draws attention to the repetitive nature of the plot: the girls try to escape, then there’s a fight and some running, and then they’re captured again. It’s a movie in need of a shot of sleaze. Prolific director Santiago was coasting with this one. 2/5.